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How I Develop Android Apps - Plugin Framework

Plugin Framework - Principles#

Why Use Plugins#

During the implementation of software, it is desired to dynamically add or remove specific functionalities.

Common Plugin Frameworks#

Plugin Principles#

Plugin Management#

What is a framework?
First, a framework consists of three parts: users, the framework itself, and extensions. Users are the hosts, the framework itself is the manager, and extensions are the specific plugins.


To dynamically add or remove functionalities, it is necessary to intercept the host's lifecycle and add the implementation of calling plugins at specific stages. The intercepted lifecycle nodes are the extension points.

Dependency Management#

In addition to implementing the interception of the host's lifecycle to call plugins, the framework also needs to manage the dependencies of the plugins, as some plugins depend on each other.

Dependency Implementation#

  • Static: Each plugin declares a dependency tree, and all plugins generate a dependency graph. The plugins are initialized and called in the order of the dependency graph (partially parallel).
  • Dynamic: When initializing and calling plugins, check the dependencies and dynamically call them recursively. It is necessary to pay attention to checking for circular dependencies. The dependency graph can be checked for circular dependencies through post-validation. The dynamic approach requires other mechanisms to prevent circular dependencies.

Plugin Implementation#

  • Unique identifier for the plugin
  • Declaration of plugin dependencies
  • Declaration of plugin extension points
  • Plugin implementation
  • Plugin lifecycle
    In addition to intercepting the host's lifecycle, plugins also have their own lifecycle, such as plugin creation/destruction, loading/unloading, dependency configuration, etc.

Plugin Framework - Implementation of Android Plugin Framework#

package framework{
   package plugin{
	   interface IPluginApplication
	   interface IPlugin
	   class PluginApplication
	   PluginApplication --|> IPluginApplication
	   class PluginManager
	   class Plugin
	   Plugin --|> IPlugin
	   PluginApplication --> PluginManager
	   PluginManager --> IPlugin
package app{
	class MainApplication
	MainApplication --|> PluginApplication
package features{
	package features_a{
		class FeatureAPlugin
	package features_b{
		class FeatureBPlugin
	package features_n{
		class FeatureNPlugin
	FeatureAPlugin --|> Plugin
	FeatureBPlugin --|> Plugin
	FeatureNPlugin --|> Plugin

Host Lifecycle#

interface IPluginApplication {  
    fun onCreate()  
    fun onTerminate()  
    fun onLowMemory()  
    fun onTrimMemory(level: Int)  
    fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration)  

Intercepting Host Lifecycle#

open class PluginApplication : MultiDexApplication(), IPluginApplication {  
    lateinit var proxy: IPluginApplication  
    override fun onCreate() {  
        proxy = PluginApplicationProxy(this)  
    override fun onTerminate() {  
    override fun onLowMemory() {  
    override fun onTrimMemory(level: Int) {  
    override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {  
class PluginApplicationProxy(val application: Application) : IPluginApplication {  
    override fun onCreate() {  
    override fun onTerminate() {  
    override fun onLowMemory() {  
    override fun onTrimMemory(level: Int) {  
    override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {  

Plugin Management#

interface IPlugin {  
    fun onCreate()  
    fun onTerminate()  
    fun onLowMemory()  
    fun onTrimMemory(level: Int)  
    fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration)  
object PluginManager {  
    private val plugins = mutableListOf<IPlugin>()  
    fun init(application: Application) {  
        //find plugin  
 		//generate dependencies graph //next 
    fun add(plugin: IPlugin) {  
    fun remove(plugin: IPlugin) {  
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